In previous years players signed with those teams that paid the most cash. Every player now has three motivations that describe the kind of team they'd like play for. These conditions can range from the location of the team, to coach prestige
How your team's alignment with the motivation of a player sets their overall Interest in your team. This Interest factors heavily when negotiating contracts. An individual who is not interested in your team may require enormous financial compensation prior to signing, whereas those who are aligned with your Franchise might be willing to take a cut to make sure you get them on board.
Tags for Player
There are many players who play roles on the team that are beyond their direct positions and assignments. Tags add a new layer on how they fit with their team, bringing unique effects that not only affect the team, but also to teammates as well as the player. Tags for the player are constantly changing weekly, and how players, teams, and league's performance will impact roles across your Franchise.
Madden 23 Franchise Mode Chase
The art of drafting the perfect contract is essential to build your team for both re-signing in addition to Free Agency periods. With our new Motivations system, we've also included an upgraded Contract Negotiation screen to highlight the most important details and make making deals more simple than ever. New information is available: a breakdown of Motivations including an individual's interest in your team, a year-long analysis of the offer, depth chart details for the given position.
In addition , to being able to craft a Custom Contract offer, there are also four new preset offers available which include the following: Friendly, Neutral, Player Friendly Neutral, Player Friendly and Very Player Friendly. This gives you the ability to present a variety of contracts without the need to punch in the numbers